This year Design Central and Product Lab (Well really just Dan) are taking part in the Noosa Triathlon ( with a group of business owners and representatives from a charity organisation to help fundraise for professional psychological services to children and young people experiencing a range of psychological issues.

Some of the situations that I have personally discussed with the Childs Play owners are so disturbing that it makes you want to cry. The tragic stories around most kids that attend Childs Play sessions were enough to make me want to get involved in this Not for Profit organisation – particularly after hearing that 100% of the donations pay for the psychologists time and the site that they work out of. You can read more at

The recipients of these donations deserve more than what we can give, but you have to start somewhere, and I’d LOVE for our suppliers and customers of the Design Central and Product Lab team to be a part of this.

What I’m asking of you is to help us get to $20,000 by the end of the year

Every $130 raised gets these kids a single session with some of the best psychologists in Queensland. Raising $20,000 means we can provide 150 sessions to the children in Queensland that need it the most. Such a little can go such a long way.

I’m reaching out to you – an important part of our business network in the hope that you can join with us here at Design Central and Product Lab, and make a huge change for these kids. If you can make a difference – why wouldn’t you!!

Childs play QLD is a registered charity through the GRT foundation so all donations are tax deductable.

If you are interested in becoming a long term supporter of the cause there is availability to become affiliated with the foundation through yearly contributions. Please feel free to talk to me further if it interests you.

Sponsor Dan to help fundraise for essential Child Psychology services

If you are able to spare a few dollars, please CLICK HERE TO DONATE